Sunday, August 30, 2009

Club Penguin Hidden Newspaper Article – NINJA PUFFLE COMING SOON?!

Check this out! Last week I found a decompiled message from Club Penguin’s newspaper but decided not to post it until there was some evidence. Well now there is evidence! Here’s the hidden article from the newspaper I found:

It seems like the puffles get scared when around ninjas. There will be something coming to the Cove soon! I wonder if it has anything to do with a ninja puffle.

There has been a few sightings of areas where puffle footprints are but these were already there. There is currently no shadow at the Ski Village, or Lighthouse. The shadows on top of the Pet Shop have always been there.

If anyone notices any spottings of new puffles please tell us by posting a comment. We will give you credit! Thanks!

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